Out About The Afternoon Tea Habit in the UK

Nov 2nd 2017

Tea drinking habits in some countries have been going on for quite some time. Some even make this habit as a tradition from generation to generation. One country that still impose tea drinking habits is England. In this Queen Elizabeth II country, the tradition of drinking tea is called Afternoon tea. The Afternoon tea has become a habit of British society and cannot be randomly done because there are several series of etiquette to enjoy tea.

Afternoon tea is a tradition that is usually used as a filler between lunch and dinner. British people usually enjoy the tea by eating snacks such as sandwiches and cakes while sipping a glass of warm tea. But in practice, afternoon tea is not just about eating and drinking. There are rules of afternoon tea in England. Here are some etiquettes to know about afternoon tea.

1. Clothing

There are rules in doing a tradition, including one of which is the clothes. Most people may assume if the afternoon tea tradition should be done using formal clothes. But in reality, most places in the UK carry out the afternoon tea tradition with 'smart casual' clothes. However, please note that T-shirt and sports shoes are not acceptable.

2. Terms

There are several terms that exist in the community in the talk about afternoon tea. Traditionally the term 'Afternoon Tea' has a meaning of sandwiches, scones and various cakes served with tea. People from outside England mostly mean English afternoon tea as 'High Tea'. But traditionally the meaning of 'high tea' signifies a completely different food. High tea means to lead to a tastier and more filling food. For example roasted ham, bread, shrimp, and others. It's called high tea because it used to be done and served by lower class people placed on the regular table, but not a lower table or coffee table. Due to the quite popular high tea terms in many countries, some places in the UK also call afternoon tea as a high tea.

3. Avoid Dipping Biscuits into Tea

In the afternoon tea, it is forbidden to put or dip biscuits into the tea. When there is a good dinner in restaurants and hotels do not dip biscuits into the tea. If you want to dip biscuits into the tea, it can be done while relaxing at home.

4. Cream or Jam?

In the afternoon tea, there are cream, scones, butter, and jam. Actually there is a debate whether to first put the cream or jam on the scone. But in Devon tradition it usually put the cream first, and then jam for later. But in Cornish tradition, first, put the jam, and later, the cream topping. In the end, everyone do differently according to their own preference.

5. How to Mix Tea

In the afternoon tea there are many ways to make the tea. But keep in mind is how to stir it. How to stir it by stirring the tea with a spoon from the position at 6:00 to 12:00, then do the front and back. Do not stir it in a circle. You can add lemon, sugar, or milk. Avoid stirring which creates a twist due to a spoon in contact with the side of the cup. After finishing the stirring, lift the spoon in the cup and place it on the saucer plate on the side of the cup.

6. Types of Tea

Do not use tea bags. We recommend using loose tea leaves, because the loosee tea leaves not only can improve the taste but also provide experience for afternoon tea.

7. Hold the Tea Cup Properly

Bring your thumb and forefinger on the side of the cup handle. For the middle finger, it is used to hold the bottom of the cup handle. Another way that can be done that is facing your little finger upward while holding a tea cup.

8. Scones and Sandwiches

In the English afternoon tea, scones usually are cut into small sizes and then smeared with butter, cream, or jam. As for the sandwiches should be served in small pieces of square shape. We recommend using your hands to eat it.

9. Pouring Milk or Tea First?

If you put the tea first, you will get the original taste of tea. But if you put the milk first, the result is a better combination of the two liquids.

Afternoon tea can be perfect with snacks such as sandwiches and cakes while sipping a glass of warm tea. Alternatively you can eat famous biscuits like Danisa. This famous biscuit is the most popular butter cookies in Denmark.

This Famous biscuit is well known not only in its home country, but quite well known in some countries. As a well-known butter cookies brand, Danisa has been marketing its products to 60 countries around the world spread across several continents such as Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Austaralia. For its own marketing there are 6 regions in the world that distribute Danisa, those are Denmark, China, Vietnam, America, Middle East, and Europe.

Danisa is made from quality ingredients such as wheat flour, butter, sugar, and the high quality eggs. Danisa can be enjoyed with family, relatives, or friends while chatting in relaxed times like afternoon tea or special events such as birthday, Christmas, or New Year. Or you can give Danisa as a gift to your coworkers as an acknowledgment of a good relationship between you and your workmate.