Secrets of The World’s Happiest People

Oct 15th 2019

Denmark is consistently ranked among the happiest countries in the world. Many Danes cite their long-held concept of finding joy in the everyday comforts of life as a big contributor to their happiness. How does a tiny nation manage to pull off the title of the happiest people on earth? Let's find out the secret of their happiness!

They Get Daily Exercise

Let’s start with the bicycles. Cyclists in Copenhagen can cover an estimated 1.2 million kilometers each day. People are constantly told that exercising will keep them both mentally and physically healthy, largely due to the endorphins contributing to overall happiness. In Denmark, this is easily achieved by making cycling the norm.

The Cuisine

Denmark has a lot to offer when it comes to lip-smacking specialties. That’s why the Danes are the happiest people. In general, Danish cuisine comes in small portions and freshly sourced from seasonal local ingredients. Fresh fish and Danish bread provide hearty and healthy staples to this cuisine, but they also know how to create luxurious sweet treats like butter cookies.

Denmark is famous for its butter cookies, especially the iconic Danisa Butter Cookies that was a traditional treat enjoyed by European nobility. made with an authentic Danish recipe, baked until they are perfectly golden, with a rich buttery flavor and satisfying

Green, Clean, and Serene City

Thanks to the prominence of cycling, Denmark has already achieved lower levels of air pollution compared to the rest of the globe. The country is also a world leader in urban design, building cities that work for people increasing the community feeling and promoting safety. This creates a ‘human scale’ where citizens come first, which could be a big factor why the resident Danes are ranked as the happiest people in the world.

For instance, half of domestically produced electricity will be wind powered by 2020, biomass is the largest renewable energy source at 70%, and by 2050 Denmark is aiming to have their total energy supply based on renewable sources.

Collective Responsibility

Denmark is a society where citizens participate and contribute to making society work, they have a real sense of collective responsibility and belonging. More than 40% of all Danes do voluntary work in cultural and sports associations, NGOs, social organizations, political organizations, and others.

In Denmark, a lot of citizens’ biggest worries are covered by the government, like free education and health care. Their pension system is one of the best in the world. And though the country has one of the highest tax rates in the world, people are happy to pay because they can see what they get in return.


There is no exact translation for hygge. But it is a cultural concept for Danes that means making the most of their time, enjoying the simple things in life, and not chasing thrills. Sitting on the couch with a book, a blanket, and a cup of tea or taking a walk through the woods on a fall day with friends is enough to make Danes happy. It’s twice as hygge to enjoy these simple experiences with others.

The Danes are masters at finding moments of money-can’t-buy happiness in everyday life with their hygge. It’s a concept that involves creating a warm and contented atmosphere, as well as being in the moment and enjoying the simple pleasures in life with loved ones. At is core, hygge is a philosophy that forms a key part of their endless success in the world happiness charts and it could be the antidote to the stress of modern life.