Ways to Maximize Family Time at Home

Jun 16th 2020
Most people are caught up in a hectic whirlwind of activities which start on Monday morning, end on Sunday night and then begin all over again. The struggle to strike a good balance between family time and work time is real. Yet, we all know that spending quality time together is the best way to show each other that we care and that our families are important. Can't find enough time to spend together? These simple and effective tips will help decrease busy schedules and maximize family time at home!
Do Chores Together
Part of what goes on in the home is the development of teamwork. It's a good way for the children to learn what they need to do to care for themselves, a home, and a family. Being involved in chores also lets children experience relationship skills like negotiating, communicating clearly, cooperating and working as a team. They also learn skills for their adult lives, like cleaning, organizing and keeping the garden. Some examples of daily chores that would be good to do as a family are preparing meals, folding laundry or washing dishes.
Put Distractions Aside
The biggest distractions from family time are gadgets. Make rules for both parents and kids when it comes to phones and other electronics. Make family time as distraction-free as possible. They can check their email and texts after family time. To maximize family time, keep the devices away, so that everyone can be present in mind and body during your family time together.
Help with Homework
Maximize family time with the kids and light a fire of learning by helping them with their homework. A parent’s eagerness to help will cause the kids to become more interested in school, improving their grades. Helping should begin with an understanding that they are responsible for homework. Parents are there to help their kids get organized and to encourage them when they get stuck.
Eat Together as a Family
Sitting down for a family meal (it doesn't necessarily have to be dinner) has resounding benefits for both kids and their parents. Sharing a meal is an excuse to catch up and talk, a time for parents to listen, as well as to give advice and encouragement. Attentive listening conveys a message that a person is interested in another. It also imparts a sense of worth and helps develop trust and maximize family time.
Make Every Moment Enjoyable
Find activities that everyone can enjoy to some extent. The goal is an enjoyable time together where everyone is bonding together through activities and interactions. The more face to face interactions the better. Games can be of great value because they require more immediate interaction. Maximize family time with fun and enjoyable activities, so that everyone looks forward to that time together.
For example, find time to share stories about the family’s history. Dig out the old photo albums and look through them with the kids. There's nothing better than getting together with relatives to hear family stories. Prepare a hot chocolate and a couple of treats to share with family members. One traditional treat that's a must-try is Denmark’s well-loved traditional butter cookies. Small but sweet, Danisa Butter Cookies are absolutely delicious. The irresistibly buttery and delicious taste come from high-quality butter and other finest ingredients baked to crisp and rich perfection, making it a perfect companion for quality time with the family.