Useful Danish Words and Phrases

Aug 6th 2020
There are many other situations where understanding a little bit of the language would be helpful. Knowing a handful of Danish words and phrases can help us understand some of the Danish signs and text. Here are a few helpful words and phrases in order to get started!
‘Hej’ is the most common Danish words and phrases to say hello in a casual way, especially among young people –not just among their closest ones, but also to say hello when entering a shop or restaurant. The more formal version of hello in Danish words and phrases is ‘goddag’, which means good day.
Tak, Nej Tak, Mange Tak
There's no exact word for ‘please’ in Danish words and phrases, so it's very important to know how to say thank you in Danish. To say thanks, say ‘tak’ (pronounced like the English word ‘talk’). Phonetically, the K is pronounced more like a G, but the short and sharp word is easy for non-Danish speakers to understand. To say ‘no, thank you’, just add the word ‘nej’ (rhymes with ‘rye’) before ‘tak,’. For times when it is needed to express enthusiastic gratitude, say ‘mange tak’, (pronounced ‘mang-a talk’) to express many thanks.
Hvoe Er…?
This is a particularly useful Danish phrase for visitors to Denmark, who are likely to need to ask “Where is the station/the museum/the restaurant?” Danish has a plenty of words starting with hv, but in all such formations, the H is fully silent. Many Danish words and phrases starting with hv are interrogative words, used to ask questions, and quite central to the language. Another basic words that start with hv are hvem (who), hvad (what) and hvornår (when).
Vi Ses
In Danish words and phrases, vi ses means ‘we will see one another’. And though the phrase looks simple enough to read, it’s not straightforward. The i in vi is not like the English i. Rather, it’s pronounced more like the English ‘ee’ sound. However, it didn't linger on the final vowel – this is a snappy little word that comes to a rapid halt. The rest of the phrase, ses, which means ‘to see’, is a bit simpler to pronounce that now is understood as ‘noticing’ or ‘seeing’.
Det Var Rigtigt Hyggeligt
For those who’ve never heard of the Danish term ‘hygge’, this expression is used by Danes in order to describe a cosiness during the winter time. Even though ‘hygge’ is a concept that is commonly associated with winter, it is actually meant to be enjoyed year round. For example, an afternoon in the park, a day at the beach with our loved ones, spending time in a cosy cafe, a right phrase to express the feelings is, ‘Det er meget hyggeligt’ (‘this is so cosy’), pronounced ‘day er mal hoo gleet’.
Aside from its unique words and phrases, Denmark is also famous for its traditional butter cookies. One of the famous butter cookies made from an authentic Danish recipe is Danisa butter cookies. Small but flavourful, Danisa Butter Cookies are absolutely delicious. The irresistibly buttery and delicious taste comes from high-quality butter and other fine ingredients baked to crisp and rich perfection, making it a perfect companion for every moment with the family. When travelling to Denmark, don’t forget to bring some of the delightful Danisa Butter Cookies home and share this prestigious butter cookies with loved ones!